Broker's comments
Charming design by the famous yachtdesigner Ed Dubois and built by the reknowned Dutch yard Standfast in Breskens. Standfast Yachts known by their excellent craftsmanship and famous yachts like the range of "Tonnere"s, Standfast 40's and more recently "Pollux" and "Second Love" a 64 foot carbon fibre high performance yacht. This Standfast 43 has all the pedigree and qualifications of a well balanced performance yacht with ample accommodations.
Maße | 13,10 x 4,00 x 2,05 (m) | |
Material | gfk | |
Baujahr | 1985 | |
Motor(en) | 1 x Perkins 4108 Diesel | |
PS/KW | 48 (PS), 35,28 (KW) |
Liegeplatz | beim Verkaufsburo | |
Verkaufsinformationen | De Valk Sint Annaland | |
Status | verkauft | |